Tuesday 4 December 2012

An update..

I feel I should start writing my blog again, if only to keep a record of all the things that have been happening of late.

I'll start with the good;

Finn has learn to cruise, climb the stairs, clap, feed himself with a spoon, and has developed the cheekiest mischievous personality.
My lovely friend Lizzie and her gorgeous son Alfie came to visit for a few days which was amazing, it was great to spend time with her, have a few cheeky vino's and for the boys to play together. I've missed that girl so much!

I am now a fully qualified Baby and Pre School swimming teacher with Puddle Ducks, genuinely the best job in the world, I go to work smiling and come home giddy with excitement!

My 'mummy knows best' skills have finally led to all sorts of referrals for Finn, which leads me onto the not so good.

The Ugly;

We had Finn's development review today, his development has been put at that of a 9-10 month baby, I'm not sure I agree with this entirely, I would put him about 12-13 months maybe, however, this has lead to various interventions.

He will now need an MRI scan to see if there is any brain injuries, a X-ray of his skull to check growth, a blood test for screening various things, physio for his feet and possibly his arms; he'll be under the community paediatric health visitor, we will need to attend various structured play sessions, we'll have home visits once a week to stimulate him further and he has also had a dietician referral.

Rather a lot to take in in one hit. Especially when you're not given any answers as to what may be wrong with him.

As I sit here with my tub of Ben and Jerrys, I wonder whether I've done enough, if I could have done more to stimulate and developed him. Will he lead a normal life, will he be bullied? Should I have taken him to more groups, let him be around more children, what if, what if, what if, what if...?

All I know is that he is the most happiest, beautiful, loving, cheekiest little boy I know. He makes me laugh daily and is so affectionate it's unreal.

I love him with every fibre of my being and what ever is thrown in our way we shall take in our stride.

I'm sorry for being away for such a long time, as you can see I've been a busy bunny, but I hope to keep this blog up to date now as often as I can, it'll be nice to look back on and see how far we've come.

Mel x

Mel x